“REFERENCE LIST” of our Contracts, executed for our various Customers
Updated Sep-2024
Country of Operation: INDIA
S.No. | Date | Name of Customer | Tender / Contract Details | Status |
1 | MAY 2007 | OIL INDIA LIMITED, DULIAJAN | For providing Cementing Services & Cementing Equipment supply against a LIMITED TENDER, DFD1515P07/07 Dated 15.06.2006 to BID & SUPPLY Cement Heads. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded vide PO No. 7902844/DFD/P7. It has successfully completed and supplied the full scope of this work meeting the requirement of M/s Oil India Ltd. |
2 | OCT 2009 - APRIL 2010 | JUBILANT - INDIA | PROVISION FOR WELL STIMULATION & ASSOCIATED SERVICES, Tender ref. JOGPL/602/09-10/TD/005 Dated 29.06.2009 for Cauvery Tamil Nadu. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded the Contract No. 602- 400059 for Providing Cementing Services at Cuddalore, TN. Contract was successfully completed to full satisfaction of the client in April 2010. |
3 | JUNE 2010 – DEC 2010 | ESSAR OIL - AHMEDABAD | Supply of 16/30 Resin Coated Proppant for Hydro Fracturing Job for their CBM Wells, Tender No. EOL/E&P/RG/RESIN PROPPANT SAND/2010 for Raniganj (W.B) CBM Block RG (East) CBM-2001/1 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was issued Letter of Award Dated 22.10.2010 with Purchase Order No. 4500000095 Dated 25.10.2010. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully and timely supplied and delivered this Proppant to Essar Oil Ltd. |
4 | DEC 2010 - APRIL 2011 | JUBILANT - INDIA | Provide Complete Cementing Services vide Tender No. JOGPL/604/10-11/TD/04 Dated 21.06.2010 for Golaghat, Assam Block AA-ONN-2003/1 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded Contract No. 604- 202017 for the complete Cementing Services against their Drilling plan in Assam Golaghat. Successfully completed and provided the Cementing Services to full satisfaction of the client. |
5 | JULY – NOV 2011 | JINDAL DRILLINGMUMBAI | Supply Complete Cementing Unit and Accessories for installation on their Rig Noble Charlie Yester-Mumbai High. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded Order No. RNCY/IPO/1112/00012 Dated 15.09.2011. Refurbished Cementing Unit delivered after the same was fully tested to meet client’s acceptance. |
6 | JULY 2012 – MAY 2013 | DEEP INDUSTRIES - AHMADABAD | Complete Cementing Services Our Ref. C/DIL/BID-MP/07-11/078 in July 2011 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded for 5 wells, LOI No. 01-DIL/SR-CBM-2005/CEMENTING SERVICES PHASEI/2011 Dated 10.01.2012. Contract No. DIL/SR-CBM2005/III/CEMENTING SERVICES PHASE-I/2012. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client for their CBM wells at Singaruli (MP). |
7 | AUG 2012 | GLOBAL MARINE TECHNOLOGIES | Provide Cement Batch Mixer Twin 50 BBL Capacity, for their Oil Operating Company in India Projects. Our Ref. C/GUJARAT/08-12/118 Dated 08.008.2012 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded this vide LOI No. GMT: LOA: MGWS: H 08Ol/12 Dated 10.08.2012. We have successfully Completed the services to full requirement of the client. |
8 | JUNE 2013 | ESSAR OIL - AHMEDABAD | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to Bid for supply of 20/40 Resin Coated Proppant with its activator. Our Ref. C/EOL/RCP/06-13/068 Rev-1 Dated 17.07.2013 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and awarded with their PO No. I5AA/M05/4400000108 Dated 07.02.2014. Have already completed the delivery of first Lot of 500 MT & second Lot of 400 MT. Balance 200MT will be delivered as and when needed. |
9 | JAN 2014 | OIL INDIA LTD - ASSAM | Tender No. CNG2310P14 for Hiring of Integrated Drilling Services (Drilling & other Associated Services) to drill one exploratory Well in NELP-IV Block (AAONN-2002/3) in Dima-Hasao District of ASSAM with a provision for further extension (Cementing Services). | OIL India Ltd. had floated this tender where they had listed MG WELL SOLUTIONS as qualified Cementing Service provider. We submitted our offer and participated with M/s. John Energy Limited; technical Evaluation under process. This project has been cancelled due to various Govt. approval requirements. |
10 | NOV 2014 – NOV 2015 | SOGL - GANDHINAGAR | Tender No. SOGL/WCS/2013/01 for Procurement of Cement API class G, Cement Additives and Cementation Services with Equipment for 4 Wells Our Ref. C/SOGL-BID/03-14/176 Dated 03.03.2014 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the LOI No. SOGL/WCS/2013/01 Dated 26.11.2014. (Contract No. SOGL/WCS/2013/01 Dated 18.12.2014). Two Wells already completed & all field Cementing Services carried out to the full satisfaction of the client. |
11 | DEC 2014 | ESSAR OIL - AHMEDABAD | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to Bid for supply of 20/40 Resin Coated Proppant. Our Ref. C/EOL-RCS/11-14/243 Rev1 Dated 12.12.2014 | Qty.: 4100 MT | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and awarded with their PO No. I5AA/M05/4400000108 Dated 07.02.2014. EOL Amendment-2 to PO No. 4400000108 Dated 19.12.2014 for Total 2100 MT. 1150 MT already successfully delivered. Balance 950 MT will be delivered as and when needed. Additionally, we have been awarded to supply 2000 MT more against same purchase order to be supplied by end of 2015-2016. |
12 | APRIL 2016 – AUG 2016 | SUPERIOR ENERGY | Our Offer Ref. C/Superior/Offer/04-16/389 for provision of Twin 50bbl Batch Cement Mixer & Laboratory Facility for Barmer, Rajasthan project | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded with Service Orders (SO). Rental of BMT vide SO/SES/007/16-17 Dated 03.05.2016. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. Rental of Lab vide SO/SES/009/16-17 Dated 03.05.2016. |
13 | OCT 2016 | ASAP FLUIDS PVT. LTD. | Tender No. SunPetro/SONG/ITB/2016-17/BM-002/A of Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. for Integrated Workover Services at Baola & Modhera Fields, Gujarat Our Bid Ref. C/ASAP-SUN/BID/06-16/395 dated 15.06.2016 for Cementation Services | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded with Letter of Award No. ASAP/SP/P0005/16 Dated 07.10.2016 for Cementation Services. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed the mobilization to their first well. |
14 | DEC 2016 | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | Tender No. DDS0341L14/L5 for Supply of 2 MT of Low to Moderate Temperature Fluid Loss Additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-BID/FL/08-13/112 dated 05.08.2013 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded with Firm Order No. 7400111/DDS/L5 dated 21.03.2015. Chemical has been successfully delivered in December 2016, which was used on trial basis at the field, where after OIL approved the use meeting to its the full satisfaction. |
15 | NOV 2016 – JUNE 2017 | SUPERIOR ENERGY | Our Offer Ref. C/Superior/Offer/04-16/389 for provision of Twin 50bbl Batch Cement Mixer for Barmer Rajasthan Project. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded with Service Order No. SO/SES/087/16-17 Dated 25.11.2016 for rental of BMT. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
16 | OCT 2018 – JULY 2019 | HALLIBURTON | Provide Cement Batch Mixer Twin 50 BBL Capacity, for their Oil Operating Company in India Projects. Our Ref No. C/HLB-BMT/BDQ/08-18/558 Dated 30.08.2018 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded this vide APOA No.: 4601089276 Dated 07.09.2018. Completed the Service with Full satisfaction. |
17 | OCT 2018 – JANUARY 2019 | SHIVGANGA DRILLERS PVT. LTD. | Tender No. Sun Petro/SONG/ITB/2018-19/G-126 of Sun Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. for Hiring for Rig for Drilling and Workover Integrated Services for Oil and Gas Fields in Gujarat Our Bid Ref. C/SGD-SUN/BDQ/07-18/546 Rev 2 dated 13.07.2018 for Cementation Services. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded with Letter of Intent No. SGDPL/LOI/18-19/001 Dated 14.09.2018 for Cementing and Squeeze Services at Baola and Other Fields in Gujarat. MG WELL SOLUTIONS successfully completed the awarded Squeeze Job on the first workover well. There after Order is still open for field execution awaiting further notice from client. |
18 | OCT 2018 - MAY 2019 | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | Tender No. DDS6668L18/10 DT. 12.12.2017 for Supply of 5 MT of Low to Moderate Temperature Fluid Loss Additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-BID/01-18/512 dated 06.01.2018 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded Purchase order from OIL vide 7400189/DDS/L10 dt 31.10.2018. MG Well solutions has successfully supplied the additive which OIL has field tested and found the supplied additive fully meeting its field technical requirement & has approved the use of the additive. |
19 | NOV 2018 - APR 2022 | OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED, ASSAM | E Tender No. R16NC18005 of Charter Hiring of 04 Sets of Mobile Pumping Unit (MPU) for Surface Team of Assam Asset for a Period of 3 years. Our Bid Ref. C/ONGC/BID/07-18/547 dated 18.07.2018 for MPU. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded
with Notification of Award No. NZR/MM/SC/ERG/MPU/03
/2018-19/R16NC18005 Dated 14.11.2018 (Contract No.
NZR/MM/SC/ERG/MPU/03/2018-19/R16NC18005) for
Charter Hiring of 01 set of Mobile Pumping Unit (MPU) for
Surface Team of Assam Asset for a period of 3 years. MG WELL SOLUTIONS is successfully completed Mobile Pumping Unit services given to ONGC Sivasagar -Assam Asset with Full satisfaction. |
20 | JULY 2019 – SEPT 2020 | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | Tender No. SSG886P20/05 dt 05.07.2019 invitation for supply of 1000 bags of Low to moderate Temp. Fluid loss additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-LTFL/BID/09-19/616 dt 4 Sept 2019 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful & awarded the order, against stiff International Bidders, vide OIL Purchase order No: 7121794/SSG/P5 dt 28.2.2019. MG Well solutions has successfully supplied the additive as per OIL requirement. |
21 | DEC 2019 – MARCH 2020 | SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES (SES) | Our Offer Ref. C/SUP-BMT/RFQ/08-9/609 dt 28 Sept 2019 was made to SES offering Twin 50bbl Batch Cement Mixer with Operator services, at Baroda to support SES contract for Providing Cementing Services with SUN PETRO. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS has been awarded Service Order No. SO/SES/087/16-17 Dated 25.11.2016 for providing 100 Barrel Batch Mixer on Rental with our Field operator. MG WELL SOLUTIONS is Completed the Service with Full satisfaction. |
22 | DEC 2019 – FEB 2020 | OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LTD | ONGC Tender Invitation to BID for Limited ICB under single Bid system for supply of Cement Spacer was floated vide tender No RJ1VL19008 dt 20.11.2019 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS submitted Bid ref C/ONGCSPACER/BID/11-19/646 dt 26.11.19 was found Technically and commercially successful where after ONGC has awarded its supply order vide PO 4070045710 dt 31.12.2019 for supply of Cement Additive Spacer powder. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has has successfully supplied the additive as per ONGC requirement. |
23 | SEP 2021 - MAY 2022 | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | Tender No. DDS5220L21/05 DT. 28.09.2020 for
Supply of 75 Bags ( 50 Lbs Each ) of High
Temperature Fluid Loss Additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-HTFL/TRIAL-BID/12-20/723 dated 05.12.2020. |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded Purchase order
from OIL vide 7400275/DDS/L5 dt 16.09.2021. Chemical has been successfully delivered in December 2021, which was used on trial basis at the field, where after OIL approved the use meeting to its the full satisfaction. We are approved in Oil vendor list for High Temp Fluid Loss Additive. |
24 | MAR 2022 - APR 2022 | SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES (SES) | Our Offer in email dated 28.01.2022 was made to SES offering Twin 50bbl Batch Cement Mixer with Operator services, at Barmer, Rajasthan to support SES contract for Providing Frac Services with CAIRN. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS has been awarded Service Order No. SO/SES/1021/21-22 Dated 04.03.2022 for providing 100
Barrel Batch Mixer on Rental with our Field operator. MG WELL SOLUTIONS is Completed the Service with Full satisfaction. |
25 | JUNE 2021 - ONGOING | GEOTECH PVT. LTD - ASSAM | Our Offer in email dated 02.03.2022 was made to GEOTECH offering 01 Set of Mobile Pumping Unit (MPU) with Two Mobile Tankers for Surface Team of ONGC Assam Asset for a Period of 3 years to support GEOTECH Contract with ONGC. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded by GEOTECH with mutual agreement dated 1st June 2022 and successfully delivered full MPU set with customer satisfaction which is ongoing. |
26 | AUG 2022 - NOV 2022 | RAMAYNA ISPAT PRIVATE LIMITED - ASSAM | Provision of Cementing Services for Two Workover
Wells in Assam for M/s. Ramayna Ispat Private
Limited Our Bid Ref. C/BOC-WORKOVER/06-22/819 Rev. Dated 15.06.2022. |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded with Letter of
Award from RIPL vide RIPL/LOA/SJN#1 & SJN#2/CMTUNIT/002 Dated 04.08.2022. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
27 | DEC 22 - ONGOING | OIL INDIA LIMITED - ORISSA | Oil India Tender Number- IFB No. CBI9195P22 for ‘Hiring of Cementing Services along with Consumables for a period of 2(two) years, with a provision for extension by maximum 1(one) year at the same terms and conditions and mutually agreed rates but not higher than the original rate(s) of the Contract, for drilling of exploratory wells in ODISHA MAHANADI ONSHORE BLOCK MN-ONHP- 2018/1/2/3/4/5’ . Our Bid Reference - C/OIL-CEM/BID/04-22/808 Dated 05.04.2022 |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and was awarded with Contract No. 6117862 Dated 20.12.2022. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully deployed full fleet of Cementing equipment with consumables & personnel where project is ongoing. |
28 | FEB 2023 - ONGOING | GAIL INDIA LIMITED | Gail Tender Number through GEM - GEM/2022/B/2727964 Dated 14.11.2022 – FOR HIRING OF CEMENTING SERVICES FOR BLOCK CB-ONHP-2017/12. Our Bid Reference - C/GAIL-BID/11-22/853 Dated: 27.11.2022 |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and was awarded with GEM CONTRACT No. - GEMC-511687743796295 Dated :16-Feb-2023 AND GAIL LOA Ref No. - GAIL/NOID/22156/5600005195/ENP Dated : 21.02.2023 MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully deployed full fleet of Cementing equipment with consumables & personnel where project is ongoing. |
29 | APRIL 2023 - ONGOING | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | GEM Tender No. GEM/2022/B/2929716 DT. 31.12.2022 for Supply of 700 Bags ( 25 Kg Each ) of High Temperature Fluid Loss Additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-HTFL/BID/01-23/881 Dated 26.01.2023 |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded Purchase order from OIL through GEM vide Contract No. GEMC-511687770977110 dt 24.04.2023. Chemical is under R&D and soon we will start the Mobilization of this Bulk order to deliver the same to Oil India in given delivery time. |
30 | MAY 2023 - ONGOING | OIL INDIA LTD - DULIAJAN | GEM Tender No. GEM/2023/B/2966028 DT. 10.01.2023 for Supply of 2000 Bags ( 25 Kg Each ) of Low to Mod Temperature Fluid Loss Additive. Our Bid Ref. C/OIL-LTFL/BID/01-23/882 Dated 26.01.2023 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful awarded of 1600 Bags (25 Kg Each) Purchase order from OIL through GEM vide Contract No. GEMC-511687742545739 dt 24.05.2023. Chemical is under R&D and soon we will start the Mobilization of this Bulk order to deliver the same to Oil India in given delivery time. |
Country of Operation: OMAN
S.No. | Date | Name of Customer | Tender / Contract Details | Status |
1 | DEC 2011 – JAN 2012 | ABRAJ ENERGY SERVICES L.L.C. - OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to provide Complete Lab Slurry Testing for Cementing Services. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded the work to carry out the Cement Slurry testing vide Order No. 201109058 Dated 27.12.2011. All Lab tests already completed, and results delivered to the requirement of the Contract. |
2 | FEB 2012 | ABRAJ ENERGY SERVICES L.L.C. - OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to provide Complete Lab Slurry Testing for Cementing Services. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded to carry out the Cement Slurry testing vide Order No. 201201307 Dated 22.02.2012. All Lab tests already completed, and results delivered to the requirement of the Contract. |
3 | FEB 2012 | ABRAJ ENERGY SERVICES L.L.C. - OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to provide Complete Lab Slurry Testing for Cementing Services. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded to carry out the Cement Slurry testing vide Order No. 201204514 Dated 28.05.2012. Successfully completed & designed all required Cement Slurry through our Lab in India as per requirement of the Contract. |
4 | 2013 - 2015 | PREMIER ENRGY SERVICES & PROJECTS LLC – OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to provide Complete HP Pumping & Cementing Services in OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS has worked in supporting the company for the HP Pumping and Cementing Services requirement offering to companies in Oman. |
5 | 2017 - ONGOING | CACTUS PREMIER DRILLING SERVICES (CPDS) – OMAN | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was invited to provide Complete Cementing Services in collaboration with CPDS for PDO OMAN. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS entered into a Technical Collaboration to support CPDS to secure full cementing services contract with PDO Oman. |
Country of Operation: BANGLADESH
S.No. | Date | Name of Customer | Tender / Contract Details | Status |
1 | MAY 2010 –DEC 2016 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Procurement of One Set Cement Equipment & Accessories, along with Cement & Cement Additives & Cementing Services in Four Wells (Fenchugonj Well No. 4 & 5, Saldanadi Well No. 3 & 4), vide Tender Ref. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN-513/2010 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 123.01.513 Dated 10.10.2010. (Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1345). Full fleet of Equipment including Cementing Unit & Accessories, along with Cement, Cement Additives & our Field Services all supplied & delivered timely to full satisfaction of BAPEX. |
2 | MAY 2011 – OCT 2012 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Provide Cementing Equipments, Twin 50 BBL Batch Mixer and cement Silos and accessories, Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN-573/2011 Our Ref. C/BAPEX-BID/05-11/043. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was awarded Contract vide Ref. No. 123.01.573 Dated 12.10.2011. (Purchase Order No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1392). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
3 | FEB 2012 – MAR 2013 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN-601/2011 Dated 18.12.2011 for supply of API Class “G” Cement, Cement Additives and Cementing Services with equipments for Sunetra Oil/Gas Exploration well drilling project. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and was awarded Notification of Award No. 123.01.601/716 Dated 27.05.2012. (Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1423). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
4 | MAY 2013 – AUG 2013 | BAPEX (BGFCL) - BANGLADESH | Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN-601/2011 Dated 18.12.2011 for Cementation services extended from previous contract, for additional well Bhakrabad-9 for M/s. BGFCL under BAPEX Integrated Services Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1423 | Dated 18.12.2011 for Cementation services extended from previous contract, for additional well Bhakrabad-9 for M/s. BGFCL under BAPEX Integrated Services Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1423 MG WELL SOLUTIONS has awarded one more additional well Bhakrabad-9 to carry Cementing Services to BGFCL under BAPEX integrated services Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1423 Addendum No.1. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
5 | JAN 2013 – MAR 2015 | SYLHET GAS FIELDS LIMITED (SGFL) - BANGLADESH | Tender No. SGFL/DP/KTL-7/003(1) IFT Dated 30.01.2013 for Procurement of Cement API class G, Cement Additives and Cementation Services with Equipment | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 11.61.27/DP/KTL-7/003(1)/809 Dated 04.07.2013 (Contract No. SGFL/DP/KTL-7/003(1)). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
6 | JUNE 2013 – JUNE 2014 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Supply of API Class “G” Cement, Cement Additives and Cementation Services with Spares for Cementing Equipment. Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN653/2013 Dated 09.05.2013 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 123.01.653/1588 Dated 20.08.2013 (Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1477). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
7 | APRIL 2014 – NOV 2017 | BGFCL - BANGLADESH | Procurement of Third-Party Engineering Services for drilling Workover of Wells at Titas Gas Field Seepage Area Project in the Category of Cementation. Tender No. WWTSA(Sv)001 Dated 12.02.2014 Our Bid Ref. C/BGFCL-BID/03-14/191 Dated 26.03.2014 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 28.10.0007.026.02.680.14 Dated 23.07.2014 (Contract No. BGFCL/WWTSA/(Sv)001 Dated 19.08.2015). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
8 | DEC 2014 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/DIRECT/TEN-711/2014 Dated 15.10.2014 for Hiring of MTU/Detroit Diesel Engine Expert with team to repair of cementing unit TSAR-1260 Our Bid ref. C/BAPEX-BID/1-0-14/240 Dated 07.11.2014 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 123.01.711 Dated 11.12.2014. (Work Order No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1535 Dated 14.01.2015). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
9 | DEC 2014 – DEC 2016 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Tender No. BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN-715/2014 Dated 23.11.2014 for procurement of API class “G” Cement, Cement additives and Cementation Services for Sundalpur & Mubarakpur oil/gas exploration well drilling project. Our Bid ref. C/BAPEX-BID/12-14/253 Dated 23.11.2014 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the Notification of Award No. 123.01.715/2681 Dated 20.04.2015. (Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1545 Dated 22.06.2015). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
10 | OCT 2016 – APR 2017 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Repeat Order against existing Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1545 for Supply of Cement Additives and Cementation Services for Mobarakpur # 1 New Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1610 | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued Notification of Award No. 123.01.790/3621 Dated 20.09.2016 (Contract No. BAPEX/ADMIN/1610). MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
11 | AUG 2017 - SEP 2021 | BGFCL BANGLADESH | Procurement of Third-Party Engineering Services in the category of CEMENTATION under “Workover of 7 Wells at Titas, Habiganj, Narsingdi & Bakhrabad Gas Fields” project. International Tender No. BGFCL/WP7WELLS(Sv)/002 Our Bid Ref No. C/BGFCL-BID/02-17/446 Dated 10.02.2017. | MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued Notification of Award No. 28.10.0004. Dated 17.08.2017 (Contract No. BGFCL/WP7WELLS(Sv)/002) for Cementation Services for Workover of 7 wells. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |
12 | AUG 2020 - APR 2021 | BAPEX - BANGLADESH | Procurement of Cement Additives including Cement
Analysis Service for Srikail #4 Work Over Project. Invitation for Tender No : BAPEX/ADMIN/INT/TEN983/2020 Dated 16-08-2020. Our BID Ref.: C/BAPEX-ADDITIVES/BID/09-20/706 Dated : 16.09.2020 |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been issued the
Purchase order No. BAPEX/Admin-1777 (R) Dated 20.01.2021. MG Well solutions has successfully supplied the additive as per BAPEX requirement. |
13 | MAR 2022 - NOV 2022 | SGFL BANGLADESH UNDER ALMANSOOR | Procurement of Third Party Engineering Services for
Workover of well no. Sylhet-8, Beanibazar-1 &
Kailashtilla-7under Sylhet Gas Fields Limited, Sylhet,
Bangladesh. Invitation for Tender No : SGFL/WO(SYL-8, BB-1 & KTL-7)/FP 20-21 Dated 02-11- 2020. Our BID Ref.: C/SGFL-BID/11-12/724 Dated 06-12- 2020 Rev 1 |
MG WELL SOLUTIONS was successful and has been awarded
the contract with Contract No. SGFL/WO/3WELLS/CS,
DST&SLO Dated 27.12.2021 for Cementation Services for
Workover of 3 wells. MG WELL SOLUTIONS has successfully completed and provided its Services to the full satisfaction of client. |